Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less".
Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less".
Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less".

Having grown up in a military family, some of my earliest memories were shaped from the years that my family and I spent traveling. From being born in the suburbs of Virginia, living in California, and growing up in the rural mountains of North Carolina. Ever since I was a young child, I’ve had quite a diverse understanding of the world around me.
In that, I also developed a love for architecture and design. I remember every year for Christmas getting a new set of lincoln logs and spending hours on end building little towns. Everyone always told me that they thought I’d grow up to be an architect. Fast forward several years later and not much has changed since then. The only difference is that now I’m building things on a much larger scale.
However, despite those things, it wasn't until I was eighteen when I actually discovered how I wanted to channel my passion for design. In looking back on the moments that have shaped the person I’ve grown to become, I can vividly remember a trip I took right before coming to college. I was a naive eighteen year old about to hop on a plane and fly thousands of miles away from everything I had ever known.
My destination? ​Ciudad Juárez, also known as the murder capital of the world. A ​city torn apart by drug wars, a city built partially on a landfill, and a city riddled with families struggling to survive. It’s hard to fathom a poverty so great, yet this is the city that completely changed my life. In the time that I spent in ​Juárez ​I had the great privilege of partnering with a non profit based out of El Paso, Texas called Casas Por Cristo. In partnering with them I was able to spend time with the children at the local orphanage and do community outreach. As well as, be a part of building a family an entirely new home.
It was also in my time there where I found my passion for human centered design. ​I knew what it was to hold the brokenness of humanity in my hands, yet at the same time I knew what it was to have the resources to not only repair what was once broken; but what it was to build a brighter future for generations to come. It is with a degree in Environmental Design that I not only want to ​stand up and fight for something far greater than myself, but I ​want to educate the world through sustainable design as it pertains to humanitarian and social justice work.